Saturday 2 May 2020

Test of the Believers

At the end of the Day of Gathering the disbelievers will follow behind the gods and idols which they used to worship. They will take their followers to the Hellfire in groups like flocks of sheep, either on their feet or being dragged on their faces. Then only the believers and their hypocrites (pretending to be of them) will be left waiting, and Allah will come to them and ask: "what are you waiting for?" They will reply: "We are waiting for our Lord." He will reveal Himself to them by exposing them to His Shin (Al-Saaq -the promised sign) whereupon they will all fall down in prostration except for the hypocrites, as Allah said of them: "The day that he reveals the Shin, and they are called to prostrate but they will not be able to...." 
Then they will follow Him, and the Bridge (Siraat) will be established (over the Hellfire), and Allah will give the believers their lights and darken the lights of the hypocrites.

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